Using TAP once it’s running

Using the TAP Python Client

Grab the TAP Client from GitHub.

Check out the Getting Started Docs for instructions on how to get setup and how to read text from a variety of file types.

For help on the list of queries available check out the Queries documents

If you would like to help with this section see How to edit documentation

TAP Queries

  1. visible: remove nonstandard characters in the input text.

    • Analytics feature:

      text with standard characters
  2. clean: replace quotes and hyphens with single byte versions.

    • Analytics feature:

         cleaned text
  3. cleanPreserve: replace control characters while preserving length.

    • Analytics feature:

      cleaned text
  4. cleanMinimal: strip control characters, and reduce whitespace.

    • Analytics feature:

      cleaned text
  5. cleanAscii: returns ascii safe cleaned text.

    • Analytics feature:

      cleaned text
  6. annotations: return sentences for text.

    • Analytics features:

      idx: sentence index
      start: index of the start token of the sentence in the paragraph
      end: index of the end token of the sentence in the paragraph
      length: length of the sentence
      tokens: list of tokens
          - idx: index of token in the sentence
          - term: token
          - lemma: the canonical form of the token
          - postag: a part of speech tag to the token
  7. expressions: return expressions for text.

    • Analytics features:

      sentIdx: sentence index
      affect: list of affect expressions
          - text: affect expression
      epistemic: list of epistemic expressions
          - text: epistemic expression
          - startIdx: index of the starting token in the epistemic expression 
          - endIdx: index of the ending token in the epistemic expression
      modal: list of modal expressions
          - text: modal expression
  8. syllables: count syllables in words and calculates averages for sentences.

    • Analytics features:

      sentIdx: sentence index
      avgSyllables: average syllables in the sentence
      counts: list of syllables count for each word in the sentence
  9. spelling: return spelling errors and suggestions for each sentence.

    • Analytics features:

      sentIdx: sentence index
      spelling: list of spelling errors and suggestions
          message: return message
          suggestions: list of suggestions
          start: index of the starting character of the error in the sentence
          end: index of the ending character of the error in the sentence
  10. vocabulary: return vocabulary for text.

    • Analytics features:

      unique: number of unique vocabolaries
      terms: list of vocabolaries
          term: vocabulary
          count: number of the vocabolary in the text
  11. metrics: return metrics for text.

    • Analytics features:

      sentences: number of sentences in the text
      tokens: total number of tokens
      words: total number of words
      characters: total number of characters
      punctuation: total number of punctuations
      whitespace: total number of whitespace
      sentWordCounts: list of word counts of each sentence
      averageSentWordCount: average word count per sentence
      wordLengths: list of word lengths of each sentence
      averageWordLength: average word length in the text
      averageSentWordLength: average word length per sentence
  12. posStats: return posStats for text.

    • Analytics features:

      verbNounRatio: number of verb/ number of noun
      futurePastRatio: number of future/ number of past
      adjectiveWordRatio: number of adjective/ number of word
      namedEntityWordRatio: number of named entity/ number of word
      nounDistribution: list of noun distributions of each sentence
      verbDistribution: list of verb distributions of each sentence
      adjectiveDistribution: list of adjective distributions of each sentence
The source code for this page can be found here.